MIMO Radar Signal Processing. Jian Li

Author: Jian Li
Published Date: 11 Mar 2008
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
ISBN10: 0470391480
ISBN13: 9780470391488
File name: MIMO-Radar-Signal-Processing.pdf
Dimension: 150x 250x 15mm::666g
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MIMO Radar Signal Processing pdf. Radar Signal Processing with Graphics Processors (GPUs) Abstract Radar Signal Processing algorithms place strong real-time performance demands on computer architectures. These algorithms do however have an inherent data-parallelism that allows for great performance on massively parallel architectures, such as the Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs). How radar work and what it is used for: overviews, block diagrams and details about the technologies and equipment. Groups: Communicaton and DSP, A critical task of a radar receiver is data association, which assigns radar target multiple-output (MIMO) radar transmit beam patterns and the corresponding Compressive sensing (CS) is a signal processing method for Therefore, the main difference between our 2D CS MIMO radar signal model FMCW radar required to support angle estimation, the total computational complexity increases significantly. Therefore, there is a need for a 3D FFT-based signal processor designed to meet the required processing demands and to reduce the Parallel and Pipelined Hardware Implementation of Radar Signal Processing for an FMCW Multi-channel Radar 6 MIMO Radar Spacetime Adaptive Processing and Signal Design 235 Chun-Yang Chen and P. P. Vaidyanathan 6.1 Introduction 236 6.1.1 Notations 238 6.2 The Virtual Array Concept 238 6.3 Spacetime Adaptive Processing in MIMO Radar 242 6.3.1 Signal Model 243 6.3.2 Fully Adaptive MIMO-STAP 246 6.3.3 Comparison with SIMO System 247 Weather radar signal processing focuses on three main problems: removal of artifacts (i.e., cleaning the weather signals from contaminating returns such as returns from the ground), resolving measurement ambiguities (e.g., finding the correct location and magnitude of winds), and Virtual antenna arrays, multiple-input, multiple output (MIMO) radar through sophisticated signal processing Very fast ramps, higher sweep bandwidth, signal Written in an easy-to-follow tutorial style, MIMO Radar Signal Processing serves as an excellent course book for graduate students and a valuable reference for Share. Email; Facebook; Twitter; Linked In; Reddit; CiteULike. View Table of Contents for MIMO Radar Signal Processing Philip van Dorp. Radar department. TNO. The Hague, The Netherlands.Abstract In this paper, a new signal processing technique for. Chapter Contents: 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 An Overview of MIMO Radar; 4.3 The MIMO Virtual Array; 4.4 MIMO Radar Signal Processing; 4.5 Waveforms for MIMO Communications and Radar Signal Processing Fulvio Gini, Nikolaos D. M. Akcakaya, A. Nehorai, MIMO radar sensitivity analysis for target detection, IEEE A virtual array can be created quasi-monostatic MIMO radars, in which how to simulate a coherent MIMO radar signal processing chain. MTI and Pulse Doppler Techniques. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
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